FaithWorks helps feed, shelter, nurture and befriend over 36,000 people throughout our communities and around the world every year.
In 2024, help us raise $1.5 million!
FaithWorks charitable programme
FaithWorks is a charitable programme of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. We offer support to our Ministry Partners as they serve the needs of people who are Indigenous, homeless, hungry, at-risk women, children or youth, immigrants or refugees, or struggling with HIV/AIDS. We help them build communities of compassion and hope. As followers of Jesus, we offer new life.
FaithWorks allows us to share our blessings with others who are vulnerable and marginalized right here in our community and around the world.
FaithWorks has provided more than $35 million to Anglican-affiliated ministries over the last 25 years.
“I am homeless and there is not enough money in the month from OW, Ontario Works, to pay for all my meals to get me through the month. I come here to eat.”
Amber from One Roof in Peterborough. Click here to read more about Amber’s story.
FaithWorks Ministry Partners provide help and hope to thousands of individuals and families who are vulnerable and marginalized.
FaithWorks Ministry Partners care for
- people who are homeless and in need
- newcomers and refugees
- at-risk women, children and youth
- Indigenous Peoples and people who are HIV/AIDS impacted
Your gift to FaithWorks also helps to support aid efforts in the developing world and in remote communities throughout Canada’s far north.
“I was abused in my previous relationship. I was on an emotional [rollercoaster], like I left work for emotional and mental reasons. Then I just decided to quit because it just got too much for me. You have to go through everything and still put a smile on your face every day at work. It was hard.”
Amber from One Roof in Peterborough. Click to read more about Amber’s story.
More information
For information about eligibility for FaithWorks funding, or to request a copy of the application form, please contact 647-578-9757/toll-free 1-800-668-8932.