– Ally’s story, August 2020 (Rev. Alison Falby)

The background to the story is that St George’s, Pickering Village has partnered with All Saints’ during the pandemic. Early on, the Daily Bread Food Bank cancelled our weekly deliveries and we were running out of snacks for our drop-in. To make matters worse, several community food banks had closed and people were coming to our door for food. Parishioners from St George’s helped get us through those first uncertain weeks by supplying us with canned goods, granola bars, and juice boxes. And they didn’t stop there. When news got out that homeless people were fleeing the downtown shelters to camp outside, St George’s folks donated sleeping bags and tents. In fact, it was one of their tents that helped one of our drop-in participants get housing after about 10 years of being homeless. She had been sleeping in stairwells, boiler rooms, and on the roofs of buildings. Once she started camping outside, Streets to Homes was able to connect with her and get her an apartment.
Being part of this partnership has inspired a St George’s parishioner to become a regular FaithWorks donor—see her message below.
I just read the note about one of the donated tents being used and it resulted in someone finding affordable housing. What good news! One step at a time, one person at a time. That is God working among us.
I believe strongly in the work for the homeless, however, I think I’ve led a somewhat sheltered life as I’ve never lived in an area where it is obvious. But hearing about your work at All Saints, through Susan and requests for tangible donations, I feel like homelessness is not such a remote concept to me now. I’ve thought a lot recently about how easy it is to go from having so much to having nothing. A job loss, an illness that drains savings; these things can put one on the streets very easily. And I thank God in my daily prayers for all I have been blessed with.
I don’t mean to go on, but all this has led me to a decision to continue supporting All Saints’ work through Faithworks. I have been a pre-authorized giver to St. George’s for years, but now I will add a monthly FW donation directed to All Saints.
Thank you for all you do there; stay safe, stay well.