Asghar enjoys coming to Flemingdon Park Ministry because the interaction with the staff, volunteers and guests is helping him to learn English. “I can go to the doctor by myself, without a translator!” Asghar’s sense of pride in his accomplishment is undeniable, yet he is a humble man. “My son was living in Canada and he was very sick. My wife and I came to help him. Now that he is better, he is busy with his own life, so my wife and I are alone. We are old and we want to return to our own country, but that is now out of the question.”
He misses friends and family that he left behind when he immigrated to Canada from Iran, but he has found a new family at Flemingdon Park Ministry. “Helena (The Rev. Helena Houldcroft) is my sister. When I talk to her she listens and helps me. The people here are my family. I pray for them every day and also for all of the people who come here. I ask God to help the people and to bless them.” Asghar has just one wish: “Peace for all the world.”