“Connections Resulting in Growth”
I started coming to The Dam when I was in grade 9, and now I’m 19. When I was in grade nine I was going through some tough times. I was in foster care and am currently aging out of the system and moving out on my own. I have battled with depression. One day some of good friends said that I should some with them to this place call The Dam.
Walking into The Dam for the first time felt really good; everyone was very welcoming. I immediately knew that I would like it here. Over the years I’ve been here, I’ve learned a lot. Going to the variety of activities and programs has helped me get through my depression. I have grown a lot as a person.
As a result of all the growing and learning I’ve been able to do through The Dam, I have just been hired at The Dam through the new Youth Partnership Program and the Ontario Trillium Grant that is funding the Youth Partnership Committee. The Dam has been and will likely always be my family. Family isn’t about blood, it’s about the bonds that connect you and about cherishing those bonds.
by David Kau
YPC Member at The Dam
(Published in Fall 2017 the Dam newsletter)