Bill lives in a small apartment in a public housing complex. The neighborhood where he lives has its challenges. People struggle with addictions, mental health challenges, homelessness, and violence. And for many people, they are alone and isolated. They have lost contact with family and friends.
The same is true for Bill. He has no family or friends who visit or support him. The Drop-In at the All Saints Church and Community Centre has become his family. All Saints is a place of respite and hope and friendship. It is a place where everyone is welcomed and treated with dignity. It is a place where people are supported as they face significant life challenges. And it is a place where people find belong.
Bill is a regular at the Drop-In. Several times each month he drops in for coffee and conversation. The staff, volunteers and other guests have become his family. Because staff and volunteers know Bill, they began to notice some changes in him. He was more agitated than usual and was often convinced that he was about to be evicted from his apartment. After some investigation, the staff learned that that there was no eviction order.
Bill was in the early stages of dementia.
Like so many of the guests who come to the All Saints Drop-in, Bill faces a challenging future. But instead of giving up on Bill as a lost cause, the staff and volunteers support him and work to preserve his dignity and alleviate his anxiety in the face of a daunting journey.
All Saints cares about Bill. He is not a nameless client who is easily dismissed and forgotten. Bill is treasured as a valuable member of the All Saints community. He is cherished, loved, and cared for.